Digital Pimphand

Keep your digital game in check

Well I've finally arrived online. I'm sure I'll catch plenty of shit from my crew for this one, but I wanted to pop off about things on my mind from time to time.

I'm sure I'll get plenty of questions like... Why Digital Pimphand?? First I'll start off by saying I'll never condone hitting woman. The Urban Dictionary defines the word below.

Pimphand: A person who's will or force is so strong they can do pretty much whatever they want.

So there you have it. I'm just doing whatever I want.... On the Internet...Now that's gangsta!!!

Over time I plan on chiming in about a whole host of things like music(primarily hip/hop and old school R&B), gadgets, or whatever else comes to mind at the time.

Thanks for stopping by and please check back from time to time.



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