Digital Pimphand

Keep your digital game in check

Every once and while you'll find something on the internet or on tv that must be shared with everyone you know. The rapper who brought the song Fantastic Voyage to every meat market dance club across the world has just started a cooking show. A Cooking Show!?!?!?!? Yes Coolio has a cooking show these days and it can be seen on My Damn Channel.

Watch this excerpt from episode #1 where the Ghetto Gourmet teaches you to prepare Coolio Caprese Salad in case your girlfriend "is one of those salad-eating bitches." He claims his recipe is sure to "get the panties right off."

While this is probably the funniest thing I've seen in a while it highlights an issue my friends talk about when we see ignorant folks do stuff like this. We call it 'setting the race back' Things are graded on a scale in years. For example, dude acts up in a club... sets the race back 10 years(no harm no foul--we haven't advanced that much in 10 years). We find out an athlete has 9 kids with 9 different woman. 25 years AT LEAST!!!! This shit with Coolio easily puts the black race back at least 50 years. Back to the days when my people were drinking out of separate water fountains and sitting in the back of the bus.

For whatever reason hip hop culture idolizes thuggery, and I've got to admit at times I try to defend it because I don't see it as a big deal. However, I'm afraid the rest of the world sees this as an act. 50 years ago it was minstrel shows and black face. Now it's thug cooking shows!!!!

On a side note... Let me see if this Coolio Caprese salad is as gangsta as it sounds!!

Well I've finally arrived online. I'm sure I'll catch plenty of shit from my crew for this one, but I wanted to pop off about things on my mind from time to time.

I'm sure I'll get plenty of questions like... Why Digital Pimphand?? First I'll start off by saying I'll never condone hitting woman. The Urban Dictionary defines the word below.

Pimphand: A person who's will or force is so strong they can do pretty much whatever they want.

So there you have it. I'm just doing whatever I want.... On the Internet...Now that's gangsta!!!

Over time I plan on chiming in about a whole host of things like music(primarily hip/hop and old school R&B), gadgets, or whatever else comes to mind at the time.

Thanks for stopping by and please check back from time to time.
